You can Freeze Herbs (I was really surprised by this)
If your naturally green thumb has left you with bushels of herbs, sometimes drying them leaves them tasteless. Freezing them at their freshest is a great way to store moist herbs to retain flavor. Start by washing and pat-drying your leafy herbs. You may want to chop them into desired portions before freezing. On a small tray or cookie sheet, spread the herbs out individually on top of parchment paper and place them covered in the freezer. Once frozen solid, remove the herbs, place them in an airtight plastic bag and pop back into freezer until you are ready to use. You could even spoon herbs into an ice tray and fill it halfway with water. When they're ready, simply plop the herbs in a stew or your next dish. Flavorful herbs such as mint are best with iced tea or even your next chilled cocktail.
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